Refund Policy

Customer Service Contact Details

Phone: (513)-504-5110

Refund and Dispute Policy

Deposits are made by customers at the time of booking on our website through our imbedded booking form which is funneled to our secure payment processor. Credit card deposits made on our website for entertainment bookings are non-refundable within 48 hours of the scheduled booking.

Credit card deposits made on our website are non-refundable within 48 hours of the scheduled booking.

If customer chooses to cancel 48 hours before the scheduled event, they will receive a refund, with a $50 fee for cancellation.

In the event that T&C Ent is unable to provide the services promised at time of booking, customers will be refunded 100% of their deposits in the same form that the funds were received from the customer by Tiffany & Company Ent., within 48 hours.

If customer chooses to dispute any charges for deposits made at the time of booking, please contact us directly to resolve the issue at hand before contacting your bank. Please email to file disputes against questionable charges or unfulfilled services. Disputes will receive a response within 72 hours of submission. If T&C Ent. is unable to provide a satisfactory result to the dispute, customers may file with their financial institution.

Cancellation Policy

Booking deposits are non-refundable within 48 hours of the scheduled booking, except for in the event that Tiffany & Company Entertainment is unable to provide the services promised. In the event that T&C Ent. Is unable to provide the services promised in a satisfactory fashion, customers will be refunded 100% of their deposit in the same form that the funds were applied, within 72 hours.

Customers will receive 0% of their deposit back if cancellation occurs within 48 hours of the scheduled booking.

Terms and Conditions of Promotions

Promotional terms are clearly listed in any and all public promotional advertisements. All service purchases made during promotional campaigns will remain valid only within the specified promotional timeline, in which the entry of the specific code, for that specific promotion, will be required upon booking. Promotional sales cannot and will not overlap, therefore only one promotion will be valid at any given time. Dates of promotional periods will not be extended, and expired coupons or discounts will not be honored. Refunds will not be distributed for service purchases made during a promotional period in which the relevant promotional code was not applied at time of booking.

Legal Notations

Tiffany & Company Ent. is an adult/ nightlife entertainment company.  We do not promote or practice illegal activities such as engaging in sexual acts for money or anything of value, or any form of prostitution, the sale of or use of illicit substances on any given service call, or any other illegal activities in operation within or under any specific locality of laws.

Transaction Currency

$US dollars$